Why Minimal Web Design Might Be Just For YouOctober 13, 2022

Searching for design inspiration for a new website? Maybe it’s time to be out with the old and in with the new.

Sometimes less is more and in this blog, we’re arguing in favour of minimalist web design.

First and foremost, your website is supposed to be your company’s online information centre. It is where people come to find out more about your company and what it is that you do. For some, the design of this online representation is one to be filled with colour, graphics and text. And that is fine if you are a paint shop or an artist.

In some cases, however, a colourful art deco site is not a true representation of what you are trying to promote, no matter how beautiful it is.

Web design in Nelspruit can provide you with a website that has that minimal look.

Your website could be the first thing that introduces people to your company. It can also be one of the most important tools to build credibility. If your design does not match your company’s personality, you might be totally off the mark.

Our web designers are experts at bringing your ideas to life, in a functional way. And ultimately, the look of the site is in your hands. If minimal is what you are leaning towards, allow us to push you over the edge.
Keeping it simple…smarty

• Clean design is timeless

The greatest thing about web design in Nelspruit and pretty much all over the world is that it can be changed whenever inspiration strikes, or whenever your brand evolves. Constant changes to keep up with trends won’t be necessary with minimalist web design, as your site will always be in fashion.

A busy design can grow old, but the clean design is classic.

Keep in mind that when we use the word minimal, we’re not talking simple black and white design. We are alluding to less clutter.

Simple is easier to read

Why do visitors come to your website? To find out more about your company! And they do that by reading the text and looking at the graphics. Visitors don’t like to struggle to find information. They like the quick, easy read. You can make your site easy to read by keeping the design simple and clean. So remove the unnecessary design elements and go back to basics with your designer.

Users prefer to skim read. Make sure that the information on your site is valid, up to date and informative.

Remove the advertising emphasis

At the end of the day, a website is a piece of advertising. Informative advertising, but advertising none the less. The moment a potential client gets the feeling they are being sold to, they have the tendency to scatter. That is the exact opposite of what you want. You want clients to stay, to read, and to get in contact with you.

Simple design removes that flashy advertising feeling and makes your visitors more comfortable. A great sales pitch in a clean design might be all you need for your website to convert.

Simple design converts

Converting is the process of turning website visitors into paying customers. It is another, and one of the biggest, reasons for having a website. An outdated design with outdated information can send visitors flying while a simple design can give you more conversions.

An easy fix

As with all websites, there should always be room for error. When forms suddenly don’t send messages to your email inbox, or a page element slows the site down completely, you want to be able to get the site fixed. And fast!

With an overly complicated website, should you change designers, a quick fix will not be what you are getting. Simple designs are easier to carry out maintenance on.

If minimal is what appeals to you, our web design in Nelspruit will provide you with a functional site unique to you.
Contact MMP Online today to find out more about how you can get a website that represents your company and speaks for you online!

Contact MMP Online today to find out more about how you can get a website that represents your company and speaks for you online!