Email Step-By-Step SetupMay 29, 2018

Windows Setup 

Windows 2016 Setup Guide

How to set up email in Outlook 2016

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook 2016

1. Launch Outlook

2. Select File on the top left menu bar

3. Select the Add Account button in the middle of the screen, then Account Settings

4. Insert your email address

5. Select Advanced options, then select Let me setup my account manually  > Connect

6. This temporary screen will display

7. This screen will display the various account options – select IMAP

8. Server Settings:

  • Incoming mail: add mail. before your domain name
    • Port 143 (or 110 for POP)
    • Encryption method: None
    • Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is unticked
  • Outgoing mail: add smtp. before your domain name
    • Change Port to 587 (not 25)
    • Encryption method: None
    • Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is unticked

9. Click Connect

10.You will now be prompted for the password

11.Your setup is complete!

Windows 2013 Setup Guide

How to set up email in Outlook 2013

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook 2013

Auto Account Setup (recommended)

New email account setup with Outlook is quick and easy using the Auto Account Setup option. However, reasons to rather use Manual Setup are:

  • if you prefer POP, as this automatic configuration defaults to IMAP 
  • if this is a new hosting account and domain propagation has not completed

1. Launch Outlook

2. Select File on the top left menu bar

3. Select the Add Account button in the middle of the screen

4. Enter your details on the Auto Account Set-up screen > Next

5. The following warning messages may appear Allow

6. Choose > Yes

7.Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings.

That’s it!

Manual Account Setup

If you prefer to use POP , or your domain has not propagated yet, you will need to set up the account manually:

1. Launch Outlook, choose File > Account Settings > Add Account (as above)

2. Choose Manual Setup or additional server types > Next

3. Select POP or IMAP > Next

4. Enter all the relevant details (POP or IMAP) and then select the More Settings… button.

  • Outlook will auto-fill your User Name – please ensure you fill in your entire email address as the username
  • For new hosting accounts, use the IP address instead of the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers

5. Select the Outgoing Server tab

  • Ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is ticked
  • Ensure that you have selected Use same settings as my incoming mail server

6. Select the Advanced tab and ensure that your settings are as below for either IMAP or POP:

IMAP port settings

  •  Incoming 143, outgoing 587
  • Not ticked: This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is None

POP port settings

  •  Incoming 110, outgoing 587
  • Not ticked: This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is None

7.Click OK and then Next.

8.Let the test complete and then click Close

You’re all set!Finish

Windows 2010 Setup Guide

How To Set Up Email In Outlook 2010

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook 2010.

Auto Account Setup (Recommended)

Setting up a new email address in Outlook is quick and easy using the Auto Account Setup option. However, reasons to rather use Manual Setup are:

  • if you prefer POP, as this automatic configuration defaults to IMAP
  • if this is a new hosting account and domain propagation has not completed

1. Launch Outlook

2. Select File from the top menu bar and then Info and Account Settings

3.On the Email tab, click New

4. Click to select the Internet E-mail or Email account option > Next

5. In the Add Account box

Enter your details under E-mail Account

  • You can safely ignore any warning messages
  • If you’ve lost your password – change it via konsoleH
  • Next


6.Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings.

7. Finish > Close

That’s it!

Manual Account Setup

If you prefer to use POP  you will need to set up the account manually:

1. Launch Outlook 2010

2. Select File from the top menu bar and then Info and Account Settings

3. On the Auto Account Set-up screen, click Manual setup or additional server types. > Next


Email Settings

5. Enter all the relevant details (Select POP or IMAP according to your preference) and then click More Settings

  • Outlook will auto-fill your user name, please ensure you fill in your entire email address as the username)
  • For new hosting accounts, temporarily use the IP address instead of the Incoming & Outgoing mail servers, until propagation has completed.

Outgoing Server Settings

6. Click on the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authenticationcheckbox is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server.


Advanced Settings

7.Select the Advanced tab

8. Check these settings:

  • The Incoming server port for POP is 110 or for IMAP is 143
  • Not ticked: This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
  • The Outgoing server (SMTP) port is set to 587
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection is None

9.Click OK, then Next and Finish.

10. Your Outlook mail program should now be set up to send and receive mail.

Windows 10 Setup Guide

How To Set Up Email In Windows 10 Mail

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Windows 10 – both the Desktop and Mobile versions.

Auto Account Setup (Recommended)

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Windows 10 – both the Desktop and Mobile versions.


1.Launch Windows Mail

2.Add Account

3.Choose Other account


4.Insert your Email address and Password (forgotten passwords can be reset in konsoleH)

  • Click Sign-in 

5.Click Sign-in repeatedly until it changes to Advanced


6.Provide the Account information

  • Incoming email server starts with mail. and your domain name
  • Account type is IMAP4
  • User name is the full email address
  • Password is your mailbox password
  • Outgoing (SMTP) mail server starts with smtp. and your domain name
  • Tick the first 2 blocks only
  • Sign-in

7.All done!

Android Setup Guide

How To Set Up Email On Android


This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account on Android.


Launch Your Mail Application

1.Start by selecting the mail icon from your applications screen


Setup Email

2.Enter the email address and email password


Account Type

3.Choose IMAP


Incoming Server Settings

4. The programme may try to connect to the server, but will fail – you will need to add the full email address as User Name.

Check the other settings:

  • Security type is None
  • Port is 143
  • select Next

Outgoing Server Settings

5. Enter all the relevant details as in the screen below and then select Next


Checking Outgoing Server Settings…

6. Wait while your settings are tested

Account Options

7. Adjust the additional Account Options as preferred.


8. Specify an optional account name (for your reference only), and enter the name you wish to be displayed on outgoing mail, then select Done.


9. The account has been set up successfully and your messages will now be downloaded.

Complete Setup

MAC Setup

Mac 2016 setup guide

How To Set Up Email In Outlook 2016 For Mac


This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook 2016 for Mac


1.Launch Outlook for Mac

2.Select the Tools tab and then Accounts

3.A new window will open which will list any other accounts already set up

4.At the bottom left, Click the ‘+‘ button and then New Account… 


5.Add your email address and click Continue


6.The programme will unsuccessfully search for the provider. Select IMAP/POP


7.Enter Your Account Information

  • Choose IMAP or POP according to your preference.
  • Ensure that the User Name is the full email address.
  • If you don’t know your passwordreset it via konsoleH.

8.Incoming server

  • add mail. before your domain name
  • Untick Use SSL to connect

9.Outgoing server

  • add smtp. before your domain name
  • Untick Use SSL to connect
  • Change the port number from 25 to 587 

 10.Click Add Account


11. Click Done


12. You’re not quite done yet:

  • All settings should be correct on this screen – now choose More Options

13.Further Outgoing server settings 

  • Authentication: Use the dropdown arrow to select User Name and Password
  • Enter in your User name (full email address) and Password
  • Ignore Unqualified domain
  • Click OK

You Have Completed Your Account Setup.

Mac 2011 setup guide

How To Set Up Email In Outlook 2011 For Mac


This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook for Mac.


1. Launch Outlook for Mac

2. Select Tools from the top menu bar and then Accounts…


Add An Account

3.Select the E-mail Account option.


Enter Your Account Information

4.Enter all the relevant details

  • Ensure that the User Name is the full email address.
  • If you don’t know your password, reset it via konsoleH.
  • Choose IMAP or POP according to your preference.
  • Select Override default port.

IMAP port settings

  • Default setup: incoming 143, outgoing 587
  • If SSL is required: incoming 993, outgoing 465

POP port settings

  • Default setup: incoming 110, outgoing 587
  • If SSL is required: incoming 995,  Outgoing 465

5.Click Add Account


6.All settings should be correct on this screen – choose More Options


Settings For SMTP Server

7.Select User Name and Password for Authentication

8.Enter in your User name (full email address) and password then select OK


You Have Completed Your Account Setup

9.Your Outlook mail program should now be set up to send and receive mail.

Iphone and Ipad Setup Guide

How To Set Up Email On IPhone & IPad


This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account on your iPhone or iPad.


Add Mail Account

1.Select the settings icon on your home screen


2.Select Mail


3.Select Accounts 


4.Select Add Account…


5.Select Other from the menu:


6.Select Add Mail Account


Enter Your Account Information

7.Enter your Name, Email & Password > Next


Configure Incoming And Outgoing Servers

8. Select IMAP

9. Scroll down to Incoming Mail Server and enter all the relevant details, then do the same for Outgoing Mail Server, as in the screen below and then select Next.

  • Ensure that User Name is the full email address
  • User Name & Password are the same for both Incoming & Outgoing servers

Verify Server Identity

10.You may receive a prompt asking you to verify the incoming and outgoing servers – you can click Continue for each.




12.Choose the new account that you’ve just created




13.Choose the SMTP server




14. Check the SMTP settings:

  • User Name is the full email address
  • Use SSL is off
  • Athentication is Password
  • Server Port is 587
  • Done


You Have Completed Your Account Setup.

Congratulations! You have now successfully configured your email account on your iPhone.